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A Mother's Blessing Ceremony

Tracy Sadler

A Mother's Blessing Ceremony 

We may be more familiar with today's baby showers, but it's origins go far deeper with the ceremony's roots being found in the Navajo indigenous communities of America. 

A mother's blessing is honouring a woman's journey into motherhood, with recognition of this life event from her sisters, aunts and female companions supporting her on this beautiful venture ahead. The circle of women provide support, love and community for the muma to be, as she prepares for her passage to becoming a mother. 

A ceremony can include various activities where everyone involved helps to prepare a very safe, fun and uplifting space for the mum. The way we celebrate in our culture has changed from its origins, but is still as meaningful and the host of the ceremony will provide the mum with various options from which she can choose the ones which resonate to her the most. 

Some suggestions for a ceremony include, 

Positive affirmations- this could be done as creatively or simply as desired. Writing, drawing, colouring, speaking, finding quotes which could be printed or hand written and given to the mum to have with her during labour. 

A nourishing hand/foot massage with natural products, to help promote a sense of ease, release and overall well-being. 

A guided deep relaxation, where the guests could lay or sit in a circle, listening to the host take them through a body scan and maybe even physical connection with the muma to again promote positive feelings and emotions within her. 

Every celebration should include food and drink ;) so bring out the best vintage crockery, yummy cake and a selection of teas.

Another lovely way to show the connection between the mum and all the women present is to bind string around wrists. Once the whole group is connected by the string, it's cut individually at each person and then tied around the wrist. This is kept on until after the baby is born to resemble the never ending strength and support flowing to the muma from her closest family and friends. 

Necklace making- where every woman brings a bead to string onto a necklace for the mother to wear or hold in labour. The beads could be infused during the blessing ceremony with mantra, poetry, songs or positive affirmations. An adaption of this is for each guest to bring a crystal, which again can be boosted with sacred sound and then be present with the mum during labour.

Honour the muma to be with a beautiful flower crown, this could be made during the ceremony or before. 

Some gentle yoga and breathing exercises, these are invaluable for keeping the mum grounded, calm and in her own body! Helping her to experience her own true power within. 

Really the list is never ending, as any way to show the woman how special, supported, loved and cared for she is is welcome! 

Maybe this gorgeous ceremony resonates with you as a mum to be, or you know a friend or family member you'd love to treat!? Either way, please feel free to get in contact to discuss further or book a Mother's Blessing.

With love ♥️

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