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Tracy Sadler

Why and how to invest in a birth keeper?

Updated: Jul 14

It's a big decision right, getting a birth keeper to support you during this special time in your life!? Is it really going to add that much extra value to your pregnancy and birth experience having a birth attendant? After all, it's another 'expense' to factor into the journey of becoming a muma for the first or multiple time. Which the latter may leave you thinking, well I've managed fine before, I know what I'm doing! No!!?? And for first time mum's, you may be putting all your reliance on your midwives and doctors, which can serve well enough for some, never any judgement, if this is your path and decision, as we are all exactly where we're meant to be in each moment and doing our best. But, what if there was so much more you could gift to yourself and your growing baby, by expanding your own knowledge and choices? A birth keeper can guide you to an abundance of additional information which your doctor's practice alone may not be able to offer!

So, the financial outlay of hiring a birth attendant may be your main obstacle, which is understandable! Here's some suggestions which may help you to see past this.

Firstly we spend so much money on 'things' we don't really need and of course, things we do, so see the value in yours, your baby's and your family's wellbeing as a worthy investment. Spending thousands on a wedding, holiday, new car or 'luxury' items, may guide you to see that the relatively small amount you spend on a birth keeper, can have a hugely positive impact on the outcome of your pregnancy, birth and way beyond. This change in thought may assist you in seeing that it's actually not such a huge financial commitment after all!

A babyshower, might all be an opportunity to ask for assistance in putting in for a birth attendant, instead of an over indulgence of none essential 'gifts' from family and friends.

Maybe you have an offering such as a personal skill or trade, which can be used as 'currency' towards your birth keeper, swapsies are always a blessed way to attain something we cannot do for ourselves!

And finally, you may wish to discuss with your birth attendant setting up a payment plan, which can be divided into monthly instalments, making the overall balance a little easier to manage!

Please reach out with any further questions or suggestions and I'll look forward to connecting with you to share your beautiful journey to divine motherhood ♥️

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